
The Martins Behind the Malarky.

Hi, there! We’re Doug and Becci.

In a time where distance and isolation have dominated our relationships, we have all witnessed the importance of communication and connection take a higher priority in our lives. Finding creative and intentional ways to stay in touch and check in with friends and family has been a major theme throughout this recent pandemic and a practice that both of us want to continue even after this world crisis has subsided.

We’ve been using #MartinMalarky to document our adventures together on social media for a while now and decided that this year we’d ditch the digital middle man and create a place where we could share our updates and uploads unfettered without the constraints of the social media algorithms.

Enter: MartinMalarky.com - A place to keep up on the life and times of Doug and Becci. From the pandemic lockdown to our recent move and all the adventures that lie ahead, we look forward to keeping you in the loop!